PLNM:Dahlia 'Bishop of Llandaff':ENDPLNM GRP:Tuber:ENDGRP COLR:Bright Crimson:ENDCOLR INFO:I'll guarantee you wont pick up a gardening book that doesnt have this plant included. I finally got three tubers two years ago, and they definitely deserve the rave reviews. Two died over winter (didnt have time to lift them) but one survived both the winter AND the slugs and snails (with the aid of a regular sprinkling of slug pellets) and gave me a wonderful display his year, beginning to flower in July. Brilliant red flowers on beautiful dark red-purple foliage. I read a tip in a book and have actually proved in the past that cutting down the stem to about 6ins and covering all with a heap of ashes may get Dahlias through a normal winter. The heap also marks the spot and protects from weeds. Better still, lift and dry the tubers and store them in a frost free place over winter. Update 2005: Its still going strong, more blooms each year. Fingers crossed for another year!:ENDINFO LABD:Dahlia 'Bishop of Llandaff':ENDLABD SUN:Full sun:ENDSUN HRDY:Half hardy:ENDHRDY GRTH:C:ENDGRTH LEVS:D:ENDLEVS HT:1.1m (3.5ft):ENDHT SP:45cm (18ins):ENDSP FLX:2.5 to 3in:ENDFLX AGM:T:ENDAGM STAK:T:ENDSTAK PIC01:DAHLIA-BISHOPOFLLANDAFF-1.jpg:ENDPIC01 PICTITLE01:RIMG0039:ENDPICTITLE01 PICDESC01:Disc File renamed. Was= RIMG0039 Photo Date:- Sun 31/08/2003 Photographer: George Kelly In my garden. You can see the lovely purple foliage behind the radiant flower head.:ENDPICDESC01