Ah, that would explain that little hiccup

To all Ideas Genie, Ideas Genie Pro and Bonsai Genie users:
When you have the Master Database installed, you can do this.
Start Ideas Genie, Ideas Genie Pro or Bonsai Genie.
Your own database opens.
In this exercise, don't switch using GA026 and don't change the data source.
Try adding a new plant, say using GA004, as follows.
Click the
Add/Get a plant button.
Screen GA100S00 appears.
Default setting is
Keying a Genus name for a plant. Leave that as is.
A radio button control with the caption
Exploring has two options:
My (implying that its your own current database)
Master (implying the Master Database)
The default is Master. Leave it as is for this exercise.
Start typing a few letters in the field
Key the name of a plant to add or find.
e.g. Rh (for Rhododendron)
Predictive text takes over, and a list of Genera appear.
The more you type, the shorter the list.
At any point, if you see the Genus you are after in the list, click the line showing the required Genus.
Now use the buttons inside the Green box to refine your search within that Genus.
You can click the List all button, a list of 1000's of names if Rhododendrons
The search fields offered are
Within, Species, Cultivar.
Species and
Cultivar have predictive text.
Use those tools to home in on a plant.
In the case of cultivar, you can search for either a Trade Name, or a Cultivar nameIn the case of Within, you can type the initial characters, or any characters in the middle of a plant name.
No predictive text for this - click the
Within button when you are ready.
This is useful if you have found a part of a broken, faded or illegible plant label, or you have taken a photo of a label and its a bit out of focus.
If you find the plant you are looking for and it has the suffix ***NEW, then it exists in the Master, but not in your database.
Click the
Add from Master button to add it to your own database.
Note: Check the
Repeat checkbox if you wish to quickly add a number of plants from the selected Genus.
The screen GA100S00 doesn't close each time you add a plant in that mode.