Only 70 to go!
That really is amazing Malcolm.
I don't think visitors to a superb web site like yours can ever fully appreciate the time and effort that it has taken.
Its only when you actually create a web site yourself that you see exactly what is involved.
Photos take a lot of work and a whole range of artistic and techy skills and certainly create the WOW factor.
Data and information on each web page is another thing entirely. It takes a LOT of effort to provide information and to validate the accuracy of what you write. That is even more relevant in the case of plants.
Fortunately, our WPG projects (our websites) are not intended to be "encyclopaedia's".
The WPG notion is based on Reviews. Any information is meant to be an account of your own personal growing experiences, an account of what you liked about the plants, how they performed in your garden, what height they grew to, their form, hardiness, garden worthiness, how floriferous they were etc etc - anything worthy of comment and relaying to others who may be considering growing the plants you present in your WPG project.
That, in my book, is invaluable (thats why I designed the software that way
Thus, when writing up the text, remember that you don't have to go delving into a pile of gardening books. Just tell us about your plants!
Hope that makes it an enjoyable winter project, Malcolm.
I'm a big admirer of your website as you know, and it just keeps getting better.
Keep up the good work, you two! Its very much appreciated.