We look after young James (4yo) on Wed, Thu and Fri afternoons until his dad gets home from teaching.
In summer, we take to the garden and have a great time. When we are confined to indoors the place is littered from one end of the house to the other - what a little whirlwind!
Anyway, yesterday I was working away at my desk (slipped off for a while) and he came in, sat on my knee and grabbed my scissors and proceeded to cut up my paperwork. HOLD IT, I said - I'm working on that.
So off we go and get some scrap paper, he sits on my knee at the desk and cuts them to shreds.
Now the desk was kinda "busy" beforehand, now it was bedlam. He seems to have a list of ever increasing programmed tasks each day, and after a while he went on to the playing with elastic bands. Seizing the opportunity, I began to gather the shredded paper and put in in the bin.
Imagine my surprise when he said:
HOLD IT papa, I'm working on that!