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Offline diegartenfrau

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plant names
« on: January 14, 2010, 09:43:48 PM »
Hi George and members

I am working on inputting more of my vegetable seed names into the program.
So far I input all the names in botanical names by Genus. I like to know and learn the botanical names and connections/relationship of the plants. So I do like to have this feature being able to see the Genus names.

But for just organizing plants into gardens, planning tasks, especially for vegetable garden it would be a lot easier if I could organize it by the plant name 'Carrot-Amsterdam, cultivar or common name. At that time I don't really need to know the Genus.
All I want to do move the plants around, make new task for them when to plant, seed and so on.

IG likes to organize everything by Genus. Sometimes it makes it hard to find the plant you are looking for, if you can't remember the Genus name. I know I could search for plants by Cultivar or common name with the plant search function, but this adds another step or two to what I am doing.

I think it would be neat to have a feature either in the software preferences or maybe a button in the programs which work with plants to select if the plant names will primarily get displayed as Genus Names or common/cultivar names. Like in programs GA004, GA027, GA047 or GA037. Probably would be easier in the preferences.

This way one could still input the names with the botanical names and have this feature and information, but for everyday task work, moving plants around you could choose to see plants by cultivar/common name. Would make this work a lot faster.

I have been struggling the last few days working with plant data, because I could not remember all the Botanical family relations. There are so many Brassica and I have so many varieties in vegetables it makes it hard to find the right Brassica in this jungle of names.

What you think?

on another note. After enduring a lot of rain the last few weeks, we finally got the sun peeking out. If you never been to Oregon, it can be cloudy and dark for long stretches in the winter. But when the sun comes out, and it periodically does do that, there is nothing nicer then the Oregon blue Sky. I don't think it is because it is cloudy for so long, I really think they have the nicest light, sunshine, blue sky. It just warms your spirit.  :)

Online ideasguy

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Re: plant names
« Reply #1 on: January 14, 2010, 10:08:35 PM »
Some very good suggestions there Isabell.

I'm sorry I cant jump in and reply with a program that allows you to do that, but at this moment in time, IG and IG Pro are restricted to viewing using Botanical names.

I like your suggestion about an Option in Preferences.
I will bear that in mind, and I will provide a program to those suggestions you have made in the next Upgrade.

Perhaps thats a feature that many others would like - (the ability to display by common name in at least one of the programs?).
I'd love to hear your comments folk.

We've just got through a very cold spell over in the UK Isabell. In Ireland we are expecting rain for a few days.
I much prefer your climate  :)

Offline Lyn and Malcolm

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Re: plant names
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2010, 11:35:39 PM »

Perhaps thats a feature that many others would like

That could be fun George, ;D  some plants can have several common names, and I guess different countries will have different common names for the plants as well.

But George is always up for a challenge  :o


Online ideasguy

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Re: plant names
« Reply #3 on: January 15, 2010, 12:01:36 AM »
If it helps Isabell and others to work with Vegetables then its worth while.
If it helps more people to use it, then its very worth while.

Heres another suggestion Isabell.
Since you have 2 databases, one for Flowers and one for Veg, you can do this.
In the Veg database, you can enter the common name for the veg in the genus name field.
Try adding the name in GA027.
You can also add the Cultivar name in its correct field. In GA027, you have to enclose the Cultivar name in single quotes.

Do another posting with the list of some of the veg you have, and I'll suggest how to enter them.

Offline diegartenfrau

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Re: plant names
« Reply #4 on: January 15, 2010, 01:43:39 AM »
I think I can see what you're thinking.

But if I put the common name, where the genus goes, then where would I put the genus?  ???

My point is. I do like to see the Genus because it really helps me to learn the relationship between the plants. Since I have your program I really learned a lot about which plants belong to the same family. Because if I search for 'Brassica" all the Brassicas come up, with all the subfamilies.
Maybe some people don't care for that knowledge, but I think it is rather interesting to see the relationship of plants. Your program makes it so easy to put all that data for the plants Genus in.
I am sure as the years go by I will know all the vegetable Genus and I will learn all the Brassica family, and I will know >who the heck is< 'Brassica rapa var. perviridis' which by the way is my 'Tatsoi'.

Sure the name is in the list, somewhere down there, but as I collect more and more vegetable varieties, the list gets longer, and the plant I am looking for is harder to find. Some plants I am not so familiar with the Genus at all in the vegetable family, so finding the right one is even more difficult.
So I still like to keep my Genus, I just like to be able to turn it off sometimes if I need to find a certain plant to work with.

I think what makes this more important for the vegetable database then the flower database is, with the flowers I put in the tasks once, I don't need to change it from year to year, because it is always the same, who cares about the year with flowers. But with the vegetables, I need the information for each year, because I grow different plants each year. If you want to collect your seeds you can't  each variety growing at the same time. So I grow one variety one year, another the next year. It keeps my seeds pure without cross pollination.
Then you like to try new varieties, to see if you find one which produces better in your climate.

Here are some plant names I have in my database. I am giving you names of plants I can never remember the genus of.

Anthriscus  cerefolium 'Dukat' Dill
Apium graveolens 'Brilliant' Celeriac
Brassica napus subsp. napobrassica  Rutabaga
Cucurbita pepo 'Trombetta Di Albenga'  Zucchetta
Eruca sativa 'Ortolani'  Arugula (I never remember that genus ever)

The other thing. I already have almost all my vegetable seeds entered into the database, aside the new ones I added and the ones I am getting in the mail soon. I really don't want to have to reenter everything again. Especially If I  can't play with the Genus anymore.  ::)
I rather struggle along the way it is, until you come up with a button for us. >lol<

Ok, I will go back to working on IG now, because the day is coming to an end and so far I have not gotten very far. Vegetable growing season is coming and I need to get this done

talk to you later