Unless I am told not to I will post another picture in 2 to 3 weeks time when the colour in the garden intensifies.
You are more likely to be told to do it than NOT to do it.
I think its a great idea, and I look forward to pics at those intervals all through the season.
I showed those photos to my work colleagues today and they were most suitably impressed
Very inspirational!
I agree completely about plant planted close together reaching for the sky. Nevertheless, it works well for you!
I see two (of the many) secrets of your success.
1) I don't see any shrubs in those central borders.
Ive regretted planting some shrubs in my "herbaceous" borders. Each year they get bigger, kill off neighbouring plants.
I'm gradually removing them.
2) You've obviously worked VERY hard to make your garden completely weed free in March and as you've posted in the messages on this forum, all the clematis etc is cut back in good time and the plants are fertilised.
That means getting out there when its <brrrrrrr> outside.
Its well past that time when I get out to my garden due my "projects" on the computer.
By that time I have to remove grass from around the plants, and they don't get a good chance to make early growth.
at the end of the year we walk round with a notebook and list which plant needs to be moved where
Ah yes... With that large collection of plants, I wish you luck with that task.
In my case the scenario would be
Plant 1 needs to go position A.
But, theres a plant (No 2) in position A
OK lets move plant No 2 to position B
Ah, but theres already a plant (No 3) in position B
and so on...
A whole bunch of plants could end up sitting on that path!
Ive done that lots of times! Very often, moving Plant 1 to position A doesn't get done the same day!!