I think the beauty of using IG Pro 5 is the fact that you can use whatever features that you want to use, as long as the basic plant data entries have been made. I?m sure that I use some features that you probably do not, and of course, you use some features that I do not. The fore-going list was for George, because he wanted help in laying out the Journaling Module that Laurie has been asking for.
My basic interest at this moment, is for tracking the plants in my vegetable garden. I will be starting from seed, and planting, probably over 75 varieties of vegetables this year. Some are direct sow, some I start 6 to 8 weeks indoors before the last frost date (April 20th). It does take some planning to be able to harvest a continuous crop through out the growing season, and get the most efficiency from the limited area that I have to work with.
I was going to post the following for everybody to read because I thought it might give George encouragement and also be of interest. I?m editing it considerably, from a larger article.
By: Adrianna Vargo, Nursery Manager, Thomas Jefferson Center for Historic Plants at Monticello, Virginia, US.
?An overlooked aspect of plant propagation is the art of record keeping. Whether you are producing a few plants for your home flower and vegetable gardens or working for a larger-scale nursery developing a propagation journal will prove indispensable. . . . .
We record when seeds are sown, the germination date and success rate, and when seedlings are ready for transplanting each year. At the end of the year we evaluate the timing of our production schedule, noting what went right and what went wrong. These observations help us make adjustments for next year to ensure that we are growing our plants under optimum conditions. We also keep track of where we purchase seeds, as their quality and reliability may vary by source.?
George has expressed to me the desire to reach the ?Nursery Growers of the World? with not only the label program but also the complete IG Pro software program.
Use what features you want to, Malcolm. It?s always been your choice!
- Toby