No, that button (SOURCES) in GA100S36 is to show a list of suppliers for that plant.
A supplier doesn't get added automatically when you create a Specimen.
Use the program GA004
In the initial screen, click the Supplier Catalogs button.
Takes you to screen GA004S20
That's where you create Supplier Catalog records - which will show up in GA100S36 under SOURCES.
1) Select Hume Seeds from the pop-up (click New if it doesn't exist)
2) Click Add/Get a plant
Screen GA100S00 appears.
To select one of your own plants in your database, under Exploring, Click MY (the default is Master)
Then use the search fields and buttons inside the Explore my database panel.
When you see the plant you wish to add to the catalog, click once to select, then click the Select button.
Screen GA004S21 appears (GA004S20 and GA004S20 are the two new screens to you in this exercise).
Fill in the details from the Hume Seeds catalog in the appropriate fields.
Click Add
Takes you back to GA004S20.
You can build up a list of plants in that screen.
To edit a record, doubleclick, takes you to once again to screen GA100S21.
End of Lesson 1.
To follow - Add to Buy list (play with it and see if you can beat teacher to it