Author Topic: Backup to CD and Restore (Bank Genie)  (Read 5688 times)

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Online ideasguy

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Backup to CD and Restore (Bank Genie)
« on: July 25, 2006, 07:21:17 PM »
Heres a simple procedure for quickly backing up your Bank Genie files.

Since CD's are very cheap, its best to use an ordinary blank CD.
In the backup process, you could also backup other precious files from your computer.

For the purpose of this exercise, Ive used c: as the drive letter for your hard disc, d: as the drive letter for your CD.

Use the Backup Program BS191
Use the default pop-up setting i.e.:
Backup to System File Backup Directory
Go through the backup process.

That saves your BG files into a folder called:
c:\program files\Bank Genie\backup\

Simply drag that whole folder called Backup onto the CD.
The folder created on CD will therefore be:
i.e. a single folder at root level
Restoring from the CD
Start Bank Genie

Step 1 ? We need to configure the Alternative Backup Folder
Put the CD (with your backup from above) into the drive
Under the System Menu, start the program BS197- System Backup Folders
Click on the Click Get a Folder button beside the Alternative Backup Folder caption
In the dialog box which appears, click on the Drive pop-up and select the d: drive
Click on the Backup folder then click Select
Click Save Changes

Step 2 ? We can now do the restore
Under the system Menu tab, locate and start the program Restore Files ? BS193
Use the Restore From pop-up to select Alternate Backup Directory
Click on Step 1 ? Do Test button
Bank Genie does a check to make sure
a) the required files are on the CD and
b) that the files are intact and restorable

If the files are OK, you will be allowed to proceed with the restore.
Job done!

1. You only need to do the configuration (Step 1) once. Once set up, it stays that way.
2. There is an advantage in using the restore program that comes with Bank Genie, as described above.
Files on a CD are Read Only.
Files dragged from a CD onto hard disc will also be Read Only.
Files restored using the above procedure are Read/Write. They MUST be in this state to allow you to use Bank Genie to add, change and delete transactions in the course of normal operation.

« Last Edit: July 26, 2006, 10:59:23 AM by ideasguy »