Jacqui and I had a long session on the phone today - about Bank Genie Pro.
Jacqui had managed to import all her data from Quicken, so I was already impressed by that.
Everything was fine on her Windows 7 laptop but there was a weird problem on her husbands XP computer when trying to open her database which had been backed up from the laptop.
We did manage in the end
Not many of my customers use both our Gardening Software AND Bank Genie software
so naturally we did discuss gardening, and I remarked that our women forum members are very quiet!
We are shy, was the reply
After a bit of encouragement (persuasion?) Jacqui said she would help me address that!
Already I'm envious, as she informed me that Rudbeckia does very well in her garden - i lamented that mine have never made it through two successive winters!
Ive read over this topic again Jacquie, and I am rather surprised that we haven't commented on your Flickr photos.
That's the view from your house??
That looks absolutely gorgeous.
Do we see a little of you garden in the second photo?