Thanks Barry.
Its very difficult to get out of entrenched habits and Reconciliation is the biggest single feature which is unique in Bank Genie.
I'm really pleased to read that Bank Genie is simpler in comparison to the others, even if is takes a little time to appreciate.
I check my accounts regularly online, and keep Bank Genie exactly aligned each session. I now use the C (= cleared) button extensively
to identify the ones I have found to be cleared online.
When the actual statement arrives from the Bank I'm always ahead of the game with the items already "C"ed.
Its a simple matter of setting the Statement Date in Bank Genie to the same date as the new actual Bank Statement, excluding the starred items, check the Closing Balance and click Reconcile.
Another tip. For multiple EXCLUDE - in this example when reconciling:
Set Statement Date to agree with your new Bank Statement.
Items which are after the Statement Date will have a star (*) as a prefix.
Right click on any transaction in the
Manage Transactions screen.
In the shortcut menu which appears, click
Select all past Statement Date.
All the * items will be highlighted.
Exclude button.
Are there little tips useful?
I can create a new section called Tips and do more.