how do I make the shape from my garden in FG?
I'm afraid that is not possible with Flower Genie Ina. It is not a garden design software.
However, you can set up your virtual garden.
Use the program FG042.
Click the Edit button to change the Gardener name to YOUR name.
Then click "Add a Garden Divider" and add your garden divisions. This could be a) "Front" representing all the parts of your garden at the front of the house, b) "Back" - a division representing all the parts of your garden at the back of your house,
Next, "Add a Garden Area" and add your garden areas. These could be flower beds etc.
You use the
Nudge buttons to shuffle the garden divisions and garden areas into your preferred listting order.
You can add as many "Gardeners" as you wish.
You use FG037 to add plants to your database.
Then you use the program FG038 to add the plants to your Garden Areas.
Does that help?