Pleioblastus pygmaeus had taken over this area of the garden, killing almost everything else in the process and beginning to attack the pond liner. It had to be removed. The trouble is that the roots had spread far and wide, under a grass path and so that had to come up too. We are left with a space about 3 metres wide at its widest and about 5 metres long.
There are still bamboo roots in there so the whole area has to be dug.
As you can see, I found one or two house bricks, field stones (the kind of pebbles one finds on North Wales beaches), scrap iron and up to now 4 buckets of broken glass, nails, crockery etc.
The final three pictures show some of the rocks we have uncovered.
These will be very useful, IF I can get them out, Hard to tell from the pictures but they are about 3 foot by 2 by 2 and HEAVY!
They are glacial erratics by the way and there is modern material underneath them so no archaeological problems.
I think there are more under the bit still to be dug.