I adjusted one of the photos for brightness, Laurie - the others were untouched. Its a simple matter to change the brightness, mercifully. If find its better to take photos on the dark side, and adjust on the computer to make them brightness.
Doing a bit of research on Phlomis has led to yet another complication in plant names.
I always work on the Master Database when I do research.
One of the plants listed in the Master in the Phlomis genus is:
Phlomis fruticosa 'Lloyd's Variety'
Thats the name used by a garden open in England.
However, depending on which authority you go with, its correct name may be:
Phlomis anatolica 'Lloyd's Variety' (RHS Plant finder - in IG Pro, or FG, - sleect that plant for editing, click the RHS button, then remove the single quote and search again for the search to work)
Phlomis grandiflora 'Lloyd's Variety' (See this page from a Phlomis National Collection Holder on the NCCPG website)
http://www.nccpg.com/gloucestershire/grandifl.htmlOn that page you'll also find antolica listed as a cultivar (name enclosed in single quotes) not a species:
P. ?Anatolica? (P. anatolica invalid) A form of P. grandiflora H.S. Thompson
So, theres a bit of contradiction there!!
What hope has poor old Mr average gardener in such matters?