A Valentines Day Flower QuizThe numbers is the letters in the answer Each is a common flower name. Please do not post the answers, let everyone have a go.I will give the answers when everyone has had a decent opportunity. Or if you are desperate I will PM them to you.1. It is the best policy. (7)
2. Found in an orchestra (5)
3. Not the Belle of the Ball! (10)
4. Imitation stone (
5.. Regal Drinking Vessel! (4,3)
6. Goodfellow needs a new suit (6,5)
7. Sounds like a lot of sheep (5)
8. Mean one upset (7)
9. The Wise King's fastening (8,4)
10. Romance in the foggy foggy dew (4, 2,1,4)
11. Fashionable beast (9)
12. Bovine accident (7)
13. Looks good on a tandem (5)
14. Blasted old prime minister (5)
15. A romantic French Revolution man (7,9)
16. Harlequin's partner (9)
17. Regret in the garden (3)
18. Unseasonable weather (4,2,6)
19. Eastern lights (7,8,)
20. Christmas Wine (9)
21. One way of making money (4)
22. Fairy shellfish (10)
23. A demure young lady (
24. Always remembered (6,2,3)
25. Worn over a tonsure (9)
26. Auto therapy (
27. Our over worked Queen (4,6,)
28. The result of trying to boil ale (7)
29. Sound in a Cathedral (10, 5)
30. The flower of your eye! (4)
means eight letters