Author Topic: Installing the Master Database onto a Flash or External drive  (Read 13201 times)

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Online ideasguy

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The procedure is to use the Backup program to do a backup of the Master Database on DVD, to a folder on Flash.

The process
For purpose of this exercise, lets refer to the Flash as g: drive

1. Create a folder on the flash drive called:
2 Create  a sub folder in igdata_sets called:
3 Create a sub folder in IGMASTER called:

The full path to these folders is:

OK, so we now have the folder structure permanently on the Flash.
Now to select the data source

4 Start Ideas Genie Pro
5 On the Tools tab on the menu, start the program SWITCH databases - GA026
6 Click on the Get an IG Folder button
Find and select the igdata folder on the DVD. If your drive is d:, it will be:
Locate it, and Select it (make sure you navigate right down to igdata)
7 Click the SWITCH button

Now we tell Ideas Genie where our "Backup to" folder is
8 Run program System (menu tab)>System Paths -GA197
9 Click the Get a folder button associated with Backup No 2.
Find and select:
10 SAVE Changes. (GA197 closes)

Now to create the database on the flash. Its merely a backup of the data on DVD
11 Start the backup program GA201
Since you used GA026 to SWITCH, the Backup from field will indicate:
Switch data files

Click the Backup To  pop-up, and change it to Backup Folder No 2
Per the setting made in GA197, the Backup folder name should change to:
Continue with the backup.

Job done!

Now to use it
On the Tools tab on the menu, start the program SWITCH databases - GA026
Click on the Get an IG Folder button
Find and select the igdata folder on the Flash. If your drive is g: it will be:
Locate and Select it (make sure you navigate right down to igdata)
Click the SWITCH button
Every program you use will be "pointed" to the database on Flash.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2009, 02:10:36 PM by ideasguy »


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Re: Installing the Master Database onto a Flash or External drive
« Reply #1 on: August 06, 2009, 06:39:02 PM »
Hi there George!!  So excited when my upgrade and master List showed up in my mailbox yesterday- have been checking it daily for days now.  Since I had already read your section on Master Database and installing on a flash drive (although I have to admit I re-read this section several times before I really felt comfortable w/ the entire concept) I decided to follow your way of using the MD and backing it up etc etc.

Everything went smoothly until the actual backup- I keep getting hung up at 69th file - PICHEADS- now I assumed this might be actual photos and would take a tad longer but just tried for a 3rd time and again got hung up at exactly the same spot.  Is it just a temp glitch on my computer or am I doing something wrong??  Can you even tell from my explanation here???

Gonna go pull some weeds and do some weed whacking and will try again later on.  Really just wanted you to know how thrilled I was to see your little package arrive yesterday- I am SO looking forward to have my massive amounts of garden beds, photos etc and all those tidbits of gardening info in one program rather than here and there and everywhere if you know what I mean!


Online ideasguy

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Re: Installing the Master Database onto a Flash or External drive
« Reply #2 on: August 06, 2009, 09:17:49 PM »
Good to hear the package has arrived Deborah. It hasn't hung, Deborah.
PICHEADS is about 1.38 Gb so give it more time and it will copy the file OK.
Copying from the DVD is slower than from a hard disc, so another reason for the tardiness.
Let us know how you get with the copy to Flash, and how you get on accessing it from the programs in IG Pro.


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Re: Installing the Master Database onto a Flash or External drive
« Reply #3 on: August 15, 2009, 05:24:07 PM »
Hi there George

Been so busy outside in the garden that I haven't had time to get back on computer to let you know what was going on w/ my installing the Master Database onto flash drive.  Still has not been accomplished.  I have tried a different flash drive and even tried a different drive on the computer.  I was able to get past that file that was causing the original problem but even after at least a doz attempts it is still not on my flash drive. 

I plan on trying again as soon as I have a few mins.  Sorry for not explaining the most recent problem- thought I had made a screen capture of the failure message to show you but I can't seem to find it at the moment and now I have to run.

Online ideasguy

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Re: Installing the Master Database onto a Flash or External drive
« Reply #4 on: August 15, 2009, 06:14:23 PM »
Is the Backup program finishing normally now?
You say its getting past the biggest file now (PICHEADS) so thats good.
If its finishing, then its probably on your Flash, but perhaps youre not looking for it in the correct folder (?)
Try doing a (Windows) Search on the Flash for the file called PICHEADS.