Thanks for the additional tips, Eric.
Ive been shooting in RAW per the advice of my work colleagues, so you are both in agreement again
The software with the camera is very impressive I have to say.
Being able to manipulate the RAW to "fix" the photo is simply magic.
I had a little play with that on Wed evening.
I cut that Erigeron flower I used as test and have in in a glass of water beside the computer screen.
I took a range of shots of it with different settings. I find the image is actually very close to reality when I played with the settings in Manual mode!
It will be fun to experiment as you say.
I was out on the town last night with my work colleagues, past and present. We had a fantastic evening here: little cobbled street was packed with people enjoying a very warm evening and a pint. Could not have been more pleasant.
Later, there was an Irish Music session inside the pub - fiddles, flutes, banjos, Uilleann Pipes, bodhrán, guitars
Fantastic night out.
Read about Uilleann Pipes here: to the photography over the weekend.