As you know, Phil (roihil on the forum) has been appointed the sole distributor in southern ireland for the magic seeder,which you can read about on his site
He asked on the forum for volunteers, and of course up went my hand.
Heres a pictorial chain of events in the trial.
First I started gathering some seed from nearby poppies. Soon the help arrived!
Ahhh.. I know what THAT is... its a Magic seeder!

Let me help you get some seed...

Hey! Look what came out of that seed pod

OK, pass that device over to me, and I'll show you how its done

I wanted to play with it first

The lesson begins

Pay attention Papa, heres how its done...

Its easy, I can do it with one hand. Look

Its even a good toy! Hands up!

Job done. No sign of anything growing yet, Papa

Lesson ends. Now I can have a go: