Glad to see you've got to grips with Global editing Malcolm.
Its a very powerful tool. Its in Ideas Genie and Bonsai Genie as well as IG Pro.
Heres the considerations to be discussed before including an extra option in the Query program (GA006) to allow the search to include the Colour field.
The difference is that Property (and Culture) Classifications allow you to add plants to Colour Property groups (e.g. Reds, Whites etc as user defines) whereas the user can enter free text in the Colour field to describe a plant.
Thus, you could enter
White with pink edges or
Pink fading to white or etc.
A search in the colour field for the word White would pull out both plants.
A search on the colour field on Yellow would pull out plants described as
Blue with yellow centres A search on the colour field on Black would pull out plants described as
Red with black spots as in the case of Poppies, etc.
In Global editing you would probably place the plant in a group (or groups) according to its predominant colour(s):
White with pink edges in a White colour group
Pink fading to white in a Pink colour group (software allows you to also add it to White group)
Blue with yellow centres in a Blue group
Its extra work for the user to add plants to Property Classification (colour in this instance) but as you see it works very effectively in the Query program.
The Global editing feature makes it quick and easy to add plants to colour groups.
Do we need an extra option to search the colour field in the Query Program - GA006?
Over to you folk for discussion!
it be great if our WPGs could be searched, for plants that have certain criteria, live on the internet
I'll leave that one in Googles capable hands