Ive started this topic as a result of a remark by JohnManley in another topic:
Not on P&L but Quicken asks what the exchange rate is when I transfer from Sterling to euros to enable the correct debit and credit to the relevant account. Whoops I had forgotten to mention that before.
First, Bank Genie (BG3 an BG Pro) has an inbuilt feature to return currency conversion rates at the click of a button from an on-line service.
That feature is in the Net Worth program.
The first step is to use the program to refresh the currency conversation figures in BG (interacting with the on-line service).
Next, you can do a Net Worth calculation to encompass numerous accounts in any number of currencies, providing a Net Worth in whatever currency you use in the query.
You can also select another "base" currency and recalculate to yield your Net Worth in any currency.
Having explained that, I haven't provided the conversion feature when adding transfers.
I will add that new feature ASAP.
I can design the program to a) ask for currency conversion rate b) give you the option to use the on-line service described above or c) simply enter the amount in the other currency to be stored on the other side of the transfer.
How does that sound John?
I'd like to hear from other Bank Genie users who would use this feature. Please reply to this topic to indicate your interest, or send me an email.