Thanks for raising this subject John
At design time, I had to have a guess at what to provide in relation to specimens, so here goes.
First, there is Help
Drag the green icon over the buttons related to Batch Ref and Accession Number
Release when a Bullseye appears. Help topic is displayed
Rather than clutter it here, Ive provided a web page which shows the help "under" each of those controls when you drag and release the mouse button nameThis is where your problem lies
You cannot use the same Specimen Name twice for any particular plant
A BLANK specimen name is (to a computer) a specimen name
Thus, if as you appear to have done, you attempt to add TWO specimens with a blank name
for the same plant, the program will display that dialog box (not an error!) saying:
This specimen NAME already exists, not addedAccession numberMax 12 characters (was 10 in older versions)
Accession number is used by Botanical gardens etc. Its probably a bit alien to many amateur gardeners
Using the Plant Number (see help web page on how to determine the plant number) and a suffix as you have done is perfect.
The program actually allows duplicate Accession Numbers
However, if you click the Suggest button, a unique Accession "reference" is generated, within a Garden and Garden Area
Batch RefPlease follow the Vegetable Project, initialised when Isabell asked about working with specimens:,1313.0.htmlWe will use the Batch Ref in that project, and I'd like all to see it in action.