The good old RHS says this grows to 6ft with a 8ft spread. it doesnt say is that it grows that 8ft spread underground, in all directions, and puts up suckers, so the 8ft spread can start again.
You may have guessed, I regret planting one of these.
Today I tried to dig it out, and what a job!
It had legged it 4ft under my favourite climbing rose, wormed its way under a BOX HEDGE and popped up 1ft at the other side AND was growing happily as part of the hedge.
I feel embarassed to say, I had this little darling at the back of my Herbacious border.
My advice? Shrubs in any kind of border where you plan to plant flowers are a definite NO NO!!Roots are a pain when you have couch grass.
I saw a lovely Kerria specimen in Lady Dixon Park in Belfast (dont know the species and dont Kerr-ia -
It was massive, 12 ft high and wider.
Thats where it belongs. Alternatively, plant in the center of a 10 acre field!
Anybody have good reports for this plant?