Starting today, I am publishing a series of "Lessons" on how to use and enjoy my pride and joy -
Ideas Genie Pro 6.
Its primarily for gardeners, but in this series of lessons I will be covering a number of topics which are equally helpful to
Bank Genie users.
- Backups (regrettably many Bank Genie users have had computer crashes and havent used the backup program provided)
- The "Garden Photos" program
I'll be explaining how this can be used for your (NON gardening) personal photos collection.
If you have lots of digital photos of your family, weddings, christenings, holidays etc, etc than you will find this program perfect for organising them in a very efficient manner
This one shows how you can filter on plants for a season in a selected year:
My garden in Autumn 2013
You will also see the option to show photos filtered by Calendar year.
When you create a "garden" for YOUR family photos you will have fun watching your family grow up!
(I will update this posting later to show a sreenshot example of a family selection). Please LOGIN and revisit.
- The "Web Projects" program.
Again, this program can be used for just about any collection of photos.
Its purpose is to allow you to generate a set of web pages.
Absolutely NO knowledge of creating web pages required. Ideas Genie does ALL of that for you.
Heres an example:
Jordans 21st birthday BBQ
NOTE: There are 4 pages of photos. Keep clicking on the photos (or the arrow) to go to next photo in the project.
Ive published this project on one of our servers.
You can publish these projects on your own website.
If you don't have your own website, You can also show these locally on your own computer.
- The Articles program.
This program is like a new continent - largely unexplored.
I spent a long time on it. Its like a computerised filing cabinet.
Its general purpose so one of the reasons I'm inviting Bank Genie users to participate in this project.
If you are one of those people with sticky note reminders then this program allows you to store them in a logical fashion on your computer.
Always hunting for documents you KNOW you have somewhere on your computer? This program is designed to allow you to create records with links to point to personally created memos, images (photos etc), pdf files, Word documents etc - again in a logical fashion on your computer.
Bank Genie users will already be familiar with the menu presentation and navigation.
If you’d like to participate and you don't already have
Ideas Genie then try the free download:
Free download for Ideas Genie Pro 6That will give you the download link.
I will follow up with a gratis six month licence[/list]