Author Topic: The check boxes in preferences (GA198)  (Read 5730 times)

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Online ideasguy

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The check boxes in preferences (GA198)
« on: October 09, 2006, 01:47:51 PM »
There are 5 check boxes on the preference screen: GA198
#1 says 'show=sign in full trade names'
#2 says 'show PBR if applicable'
#3 says 'show AGM/ASS if applicable'
#4 says 'show symbols if applicable'
#5 says 'show classifications'

As you know, you enter a new plant name in elements - genus, species, etc.
You'll read in the web page (below) about how IG assembles these plant names when it displays or prints a list of plants.
These check boxes allow you, the user, to control what is included in the assembled plant names.

Heres what they are and what they do.

First, read this.
Go to Ideas Genie on the Web:
Look for the section: Upgrading to Ideas Genie Pro
Click the link, Introducing Ideas Genie Pro (to Ideas Genie Users).
Look for the section:
3. The software has been made capable of coping with ALL the complexities of plant names - More Info
It takes you here:

Having read that, you will understans Long Names and Short Names.
In most programs, you will find a Long Names/Short Names radio button.
This allows you to assemble plant names as "Long names or Short Names" as per the above discussion.

The check box in preferences (#1 above) allows you to include or exclude the = sign in plants with PBR, depending on which "flavour" you choose.

When you add/edit plants using the plant profile screen, GA100S36, you have check boxes for:
PBR= Plant Breeder Rights
AGM= Plants which have been awarded the RHS Award of Garden Merit
         Read about RHS AGM awards here:
AAS= Plants which have been awarded the coveted All America Selections accolade.
         Read about AAS awards here:

For example, lets say you are browsing the Master Database.
#2 A US user may not be interested in seeing AGM in the plant name. You can uncheck in preferences to switch it off.
#3 A UK user may not be interested in seeing AAS in the plant name. You can uncheck in preferences to switch it off.

#4 The symbols are for all the other check boxes in GA100S36  (the Plant Profile screen)
fruit, male, female etc
Again, you can uncheck in preferences to switch them off in your display listings.

#5 Classifications:
When a plant has classifications e.g. Rosa, and the classification has been assigned for a plant, you can opt to have it assembled or not.
e.g. Lets consider a fictitious rose red Rosa 'Xyz' and youve categorised it as a Climber:
With the check box on you get the plant displayed as : Rosa 'Xyz' <Cl> (Red)
Unchecked and its: Rosa 'Xyz' (Red)
Cl is the abbreviated code for Climber. This is defined in Files> GA019

Phew! And you only had to read it!!
« Last Edit: October 09, 2006, 02:02:54 PM by ideasguy »