I spent a good few hours yesterday working with the GA032 'Reviews' program inputting data re. Penstemons and was rather pleased with the results. This morning I thought that I'd check out GA016 since I'd not used it previously. In GA016S01 I expected to see the different garden areas in the dropdown but only 'Holding Bed' appeared. I couldn't understand why that should be so after a short time looking to see if there was something, some button or other that I hadn't pressed, I gave up and decided to work with GA004. What did I find? All my garden areas had vanished except the holding bed containing one Penstemon. Strange that I had never put a Penstemon in that section. I've never had any Penstemons in the garden and was inputting varieties into GA027 yesterday and linking them to suppliers because I was recommending them to someone else for their garden. Any thoughts on why where all my garden areas (about eighteen of them) may have disappeared to George?