Author Topic: New style search fields - GA029  (Read 6052 times)

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Online ideasguy

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New style search fields - GA029
« on: November 03, 2006, 11:25:55 PM »
Fri 3rd Nov 06
Ive published Version 8 of the Specimens program - GA029.

If youve been using that program, the first thing you will notice is the new style Search fields (in the lower Left of the initial screen).
They are intended to help you find your plants quicker and easier.

I'd like you all to play with these search fields andf let me know what you think.
I'm planning to make this the standard and apply it to all programs.

The first field has the caption Genus
Type at least 2 letters of a Genus in your database.

A Results List will pop-up.
All Genera (Genus name ONLY) beginning with those 2 letters will appear in the results list
You can click on a Genus in the results list,
If you keep on typing, the Results list will get smaller, so easier to find the Genus you are looking for.
The Genie will display all plants in that genus.

The second search field is for Species
Type at least 2 characters of a species name
The Resuts List will show Genus+ Species for all species in your database beginning with the 2 characters
Click space bar to select Genus+ species at top of results list OR
click on any line in the results list
The Genie will display a list of all plants in the chosen Genus/Species

The third search field is for Cultivar Name
Type at least 2 characters of a Cultivar
The Resuts List will show Cultivar+ Genus for all cultivars in your database beginning with the 2 characters
Click space bar to select the plant at the top of results list or click on any plant in the results list
The Genie will show a single plant (the one you select)

General notes about the Search fields:
As soon as you hover over a search field, the cursor moves to that field, so you can immediately start typing.
Nothing happens until you have keyed 2 letters.
You can type upper or lower case (it is NOT case sensitive)
As soon as the results list appears,theres another short cut.
If you hit the space bar, the Genie will automatically click the line at the top of the results list
This is good if the Genus, species or cultivar you are looking for is at the top of the results list
If you move the mouse away from the search fields AND the results list, the results list disappears

« Last Edit: November 04, 2006, 01:25:54 AM by ideasguy »