I can see you have made a blistering start John - well done!
I'll deal with your questions one at a time below:
Q1. Is there a calendar function that shows upcoming transactions from your standing orders / direct debits like there was in MS Money?
In Bank Genie, I recommend you actually
PROCESS standing orders (and all other regular payments and income) at least one month in advance.
Under Transactions tab, use the program
Process Standing Orders (BS429).
Use the date picker (upper right corner of screen) and select a date in the future.
Click the
Refresh button.
Process all to that date.
Having done that, you will have a very good Cash Flow overview when you use the program
Manage Transactions.
Make sure you stretch the screen wide enough to see the Running balances on the right of the transactions listing.
In the tools drop down menu on BGP there is a calendar / diary listed, but this brings up an error message (FOXUSER resource file is unavailable, Diary disabled) and when you click the ok button it just appears to open a small calendar.
mmm. That's been there since very early Bank Genie days.
The new versions of Bank Genie don't use the Resource File, hence the message.
Nothing to worry about. As you have found, click through that message and the calendar will appear.
Something for me to look at in a future version!
Q2. Can the standing orders / direct debits be listed in the order that they are next due as opposed to being listed the two letter code?
Ive covered that in Bank Genie Pro 5, John.
You will receive a message from the forum when I post a global message to make the happy announcement when it is generally available.
As you will see elsewhere on the forum, some members have the beta version (pre release version, subject to change).
To ALL: You will be pleased to learn that the 2 digit code requirement is dropped in BG Version 5.
The program (BS423) has been completely reworked.
You can list Standing Orders is a variety of ways
I run a simple excel spread sheet that forecasts outgoings versus my salary, which I no doubt could have done with money if I had bothered. Presumably I could do something with BGP by processing the standing orders / direct debits and salary estimates for a few months in advance? Several of the STO / DD's are just estimates as such things as supermarket and diesel purchases vary each week so would need to be adjusted. That appears to be straight forward as I did that with todays supermarket trip.
For starters, try the processing ahead tip given above.
The Estimate type Standing orders? Yes, that's how I manage and forecast my finances.
Estimate a little high and you might get a surprise if the actual amount is less
Ive also made a start to a Budgeting tool in BG Pro 5 which will be useful to all.
It allows you to see 12 months at a glance.
For you folk with the BG Pro 5 beta version, start Standing Orders (BS423) and click the new
Planner button.
Q3. On the subject of STO / DD's in Money where one has an odd first payment then say 9 identical payments such as council tax , you could set up a STO / DD for the odd amount and one for the rest. I couldn't do that with BGP as it would not let me use the same two letter code again.
That is already available in your version.
In the program Standing Orders (BS423) click the User Guide link.
Find your way to this page:
http://www.bankgenie.net/UserGuide-BankGenie5/bs423s02.htmlClick the link
Setting up a Direct Debit for a Rates Bill, or Council Tax bill.
It has a screenshot to help you do the setup:
http://www.bankgenie.net/UserGuide-BankGenie5/bs423s02-rates.gifHope that helps! Perhaps others looking at this will get a few tips!