There was a light coating late last night and its still with us.
I wish the people behind us would feed their cats! I spend a fortune on bird food and love to watch them and their antics.
Unfortunately I have to chase our neighbours cats daily and regularly as they are continually pouncing on them from the cover of my plants and shrubs
They have FIVE of them. They never let them into their house and they seem to spend most of their time in my garden. Only plus is we don't seem to have any mice or their bigger 4 legged long tailed friends.
I was distraught one morning last year to see the black cat sitting having breakfast on one of "my" doves
This morning I noticed what appeared to be a pile of snow, then I realised it was the white cat (usually VERY easily spotted) sitting hunched up about to pounce on an unsuspecting group of little birds. I hope they can stay alert! I chased it, but it will soon be back, I'm sure.