Hello and welcome Peter
Have fun with Bank Genie Pro. As you know from our previous correspondence, help is freely available.
I'm interested in everything photographic and an active member of the Royal Photographic and Avon Valley Photographic Societies
That's brilliant!
As you may have seen, the forum is for Bank Genie, Flower Genie and Ideas Genie users (the latter 2 for gardeners).
Our gardening members are also keen photographers.
Do you take photos of plants and gardens?
I'm polishing off a new version of Ideas Genie. It is now even better at organising photos.
Normally linked to plant names or garden areas, there is one program which can easily be used for friends and family.
Instead of plant names, enter people names.
It also has a Web Page Generator (WPG).
Its the second WPG in Ideas Genie.
Intended for gardeners of course, its very good for publishing projects - e.g. Weddings, family gatherings, holiday snaps, birthday parties etc etc. Once published on the internet they can be shared www.
I offer free hosting (on my rented server) to our forum members, or they can use their own hosting.