Gardenexpert (Michael) is the owner of this business (Imberhorne Lane Nursery) : Nursery is based in West Sussex, England
He tells me that he propagates the Camellias offered for sale on his web site.
I am currently using Flower Genie and Ideas Genie Pro to create a draft form "Catalog on CD" for Imberhorne.
If Michael agrees, you will be able to get a copy of the CD soon, in draft form.
To use it, you put the CD in the drive, and click the
Catalogs tab on the menu, and run program
GA040 The procedure is exactly the same on FG as IG Pro.
You will be able to create a Mail order for posting, or click a button to automatically email the supplier for a quote (along the lines of the SEND plants button).
The supplier will have a special IG Pro program to read in your email (much the same in principle as your
Get Plants program) and will be able to turn around enquires very quickly, advising shipping costs and availability, recommended substitutes etc.