I "discovered" Gaura when I visited a garden near Northampton, England and thought they were beautiful plants.
The ones I spotted were white. I bought a plant, but it didnt overwinter.
I found this beauty (in the photos below) in B&Q, so it took no time at all in jumping onto my trolley.
I planted it, and the bed was rather neglected this year (thanks mostly to having to work all summer to make my software cope with Windows Vista!)
This plant survived the neglect. Today I finally managed to finish restoring the bed, mostly because I wanted to get a photo of ths plant and not be TOO embarassed showing you folk where it lived!
So, heres a view looking down the bed:
http://www.ideasforgardens.net/ideasguy/20071014/RIMG0002.JPGThats a sunny wall behind.
Heres a closer view of the plant.
http://www.ideasforgardens.net/ideasguy/20071014/RIMG0007.JPGand now a close up of the flowers:
http://www.ideasforgardens.net/ideasguy/20071014/RIMG0006.JPGId thoroghly recommend this plant.
Incidentally, it was slow to reach this full bloom display. I really must mark the spot and give it the special treatment next year.
Heres a web page with all the info, and a photo of Steve Eggleton the breeder: