Author Topic: Multi sessions of IG pro, and a few tips  (Read 3051 times)

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Online ideasguy

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Multi sessions of IG pro, and a few tips
« on: July 02, 2008, 11:53:51 PM »
Did you know you could open multi-sessions of IG Pro (and IG, AND FG)?
The system isn't completely multi user, but the program is designed to allow you to run two (or indeed more) instances of IG Pro simultaneously.
Heres an example.
I'm currently working on the 1000 or so photos I took on my RHS Gardens/Chelsea trip in May.
Knowing I wouldnt have much time to write as I took photos, I bought a dictaphone (I'll talk about that in another topic)
On returning to the hotel each afternoon, I played the dictaphone recordings and wrote out my notes.

In the first pass at sorting the photos, I'm picking photos with plant names, and adding the plants to the Master Database (if not there already) and linking to photos.
As it happens the Master Database is on a flash disc, so I use GA026 to switch to that database each time I start IG Pro.

I open IG Pro, and use GA030 (Quick Link Photos). Lets refer to that as Session 1
I work through the list of photos and refer to my dictaphone translations.
If its a plant photo, and I find the plant is not in my database, then I start IG Pro again (click the icon).
I now have 2xIG Pro sessions running.

In the second session:
I add the plant name.
I normally use GA004 or GA037 for adding plants, and when I add a new plant I do a bit of research. I like to ensure the plant name is correct, fill plant type, Height, spread, Flowering time, Colour,  etc.

I would edit the new plant, then click the RHS button.
Screen GA100S61 appears
If I get a hit, then I know the plant name is correct. If not, I manually edit the search criteria in the RHS search screen, or click one of the array of buttons on screen GA100S61 (G=Genus, G+S= Genus + species, G+C= Genus+ Cultivar etc)
I click Go (Search) and hack away until I find the correct name for the plant.

I edit the plant name if necessary.

Next I click the BBC button, to see if they have info on the plant.
If not, I click the Google button, and surf the web for data.

Having done all that, I return to Session 1
Session 1 "sees" the plant I added in Session 2
I then link the photo to the plant.

A few more tips for using GA030:
  • When linking photos I frequently click the image for a full screen display.
  • I click the Show All button to review photos which Ive already linked.
    The default setting is List unlinked photos ONLY.
    The popup changes from List unlinked photos ONLY to List all photos
    I'm considering making List all photos the default setting. What do you think?
  • In screen GA030S01, in List all photos mode, note that the button Show Link Details appears when a photo is linked
    Click this button if you wish to Unlink the photo, or if you wish to edit the Photo Title or Description text
  • In screen GA030S03. For a batch of photos, I normally click the Photographer button, and edit the details. This is then used by the program as a default description for each photo I link.
    In the case of my set of photos for RHS Garden Hyde Hall this is:
    Photographer: George Kelly (Ireland)
    Location: RHS Garden Hyde Hall
    Photo Date: 20th May 2008
« Last Edit: July 03, 2008, 12:15:54 AM by ideasguy »