I've just discovered a website offering very reasonably priced memory cards for digital cameras.
The web site is called Memory Bits -
I was very surprised at how much the prices have come down in price.
I wanted to upgrade my current Compact Flash memory card for my Nikon Coolpix 8700 which currently has a 256 Mb card installed.
I found a 2 Gb card for £11.80 which I was really impressed with.
The make of this memory card is
Kingston, which is compatible with my camera, and is the same make as my current card which I am very impressed with.
So, if like me, you're wanting to get a larger memory card to take more photographs, then I can recommend this web site.
Just make sure that your particular make of camera is supported by the type of card you are interested in.
I think you will be pleasantly surprised, as I was, at how much of a saving you can make.