Question when using ARTICLES: Example; I have been working with tulips all day, and I know I have an article in ARTICLES relating to planting tulips in pots, is there anything in GA022 or a similar screen, that would indicate that there are articles on tulips (Bulbs) in ARTICLES. Something like ?has photos? or do I go through ?retrieve? to check on articles relating to tulips, and find the article I?m looking for that way?
A very good question!
Directly:Currently, the answer in no, as in the same way as "Has Photos".
But, let me think about that. If we can generate enough interest in Articles...
IndirectlyIn any program, edit the plant profile, as if you were changing the plant name or deleting a plant.
You arrive at screen GA100S02
This screen gives a list of articles related to the plant.
Heres another suggestion:Did you know you can run two instances of IG Pro?
On the desktop, click the IG pro icon. IG pro starts. Lets call this Session 1
In session 1, Start one of the programs, say GA022
On the desktop, click the IG pro icon again. A second instance of IG pro starts. Lets call this Session 2
In session 2, start the Articles program
Now as you work you can switch quickly between Session 1 and Session 2
If in session 1, you want to know if a plant has an article, switch to Session 2.
You can also run multiple instances of BG, FG, IG and Bonsai Genie
Running multiple sessions:Do not edit the same plant profile in both sessions
If you add a plant (or edit, delete etc) in Session 1, it becomes imediately available in Session 2
However, you may need to refresh the screen.
You are showing a list of Rhododendron in session 1
You are showing the same list of Rhododendron in session 2
You add, edit or delete a Rhodo in session 1
When you switch to session 2, the screen does not change to reflect the changes you made.
You need to refresh the screen in some (any!) way. Select another Genus, then re-select Rhododendron.
The changes will now be refreshed in session 2
Easy peasy?