Thank you very much Eric, glad you enjoyed the website and that you have seen some of the plants we have in the garden.
The website has had a lot of work done to it in the past, we used to run a diary of what has been happening in the garden. But it became a bit of a chore, many more important things to do.
The main colour in the garden starts now (June) and goes on well into September.We used to open the garden about the second week in September as well.
The garden is very time consuming, pretty well all our spare time.
Funny that the title of the page I gave the link for is THE ART GALLERY
I was mowing the front lawn yesterday, and a couple walking by stopped and looked over the fence. I thought I better be sociable, so stopped the mower and spoke to them. They wanted to know if there daughter who is an artist, could come to the garden next week to do some paintings. Of course we said she could.
Lyn and I have a giggle when the coaches and buses pass by, a lot of the passengers look into the front garden. It is funny to see all the heads turn to look in unison.
Thanks again for your kind words Eric.