I recently moved over to a new computer on XP, and I have to confess, I hadn?t tried saving IG files directly to a CD using the IG backup program (GA201) on this beast yet.
I say beast, because that?s how it behaves.
I had Adaptec software on my old computer, and it allowed me to treat CD-RW as another usable disc.
Not so on my new computer (yet), and I was able to recreate a problem reported by Sylvia from East of England.
I replied by explaining what I did. You can try the same. Its a very useful exercise.
In my case:
XP treats the data on the CD-RW as read only (amazing!)
Here's what I did.
1. I create a folder on my CD-RW (e: drive) called:
2 I created a sub folder in igdata_sets called:
my backup
3 I created a sub folder in "My Backup" called:
The full path to these folders is:
e:\igdata_sets\my backup\igdata
You can change "my backup" to another name, but don?t change the names of the other folders.
4 I then took the option to "Write these files" to CD-RW
It ejects. I stick it back in again.
OK, so we now have the folder structure permanently on the CD.
If you dont do this "Write" operation (I didnt first time around) then IG cant see the folder.
Why? Because they LOOK like they are on the CD, but the system hasnt WRITTEN them to the CD.
5 On the hard disk, I make EXACTLY the same folder structure (but again, it doesn?t have to be "My Backup", but for the purpose of this exercise, it is).
6 Start Ideas Genie
7 Run program System (menu tab)>System Paths-GA197
8 In System Backup Path I "Get a Directory":
I find and select c:\igdata_sets\my backup\igdata
9 In "Alternate System Backup Path" I "get a directory"
I find and select e:\igdata_sets\my backup\igdata
10 SAVE Changes. (GA197 closes)
11 Start the backup program GA201
Do a backup to the System Backup path. (it goes to the c drive! - see 8 above!)
12 I come out of Ideas Genie
I open windows explorer (can use My Computer)
I locate the folder
c:\igdata_sets\my backup\igdata
I "select All" and thus select ALL files that have been backed up into that folder (in 11 above)
13 I drag these files (NOT the folder) onto the CD into:
e:\igdata_sets\my backup\igdata
14 I choose the option to "Write these files" to the CD-RW
CD ejects. Message confirms files have been written to CD-RW.
So now we have a backup on the Hard disc, and a backup on the CD-RW
Lets explore.
15 Start Ideas Genie
16 Start any program under "Programs" tab
Click the "Data Source" pop-up
There in the list we have a database called
c: Drive My Backup
e: Drive My Backup
I can select and open either of these databases
Because, due to the folder structure, they are recognized as SWAP databases!!
So, now you know how to make a SWAP!
I'll let you figure out how useful this is!!
17 I Open the one on the e: drive
I attempt to change a plant name on the CD-RW I get:
Cannot update Cursor.
The files are Read Only
(Note: I CAN change the files on the c: drive SWAP! They are NOT read only)
18 I start System>Restore Files>Restore Files GA203
I click on the Restore From pop-up and select:
"Alternate Backup Directory"
IG confirms that it is going to restore files from the CD-RW.
19 I continue with the restore.
20 I start Ideas Genie
I start GA027
I edit a plant.
It saves the changes.
As expected, the Restore copies the "Read Only" files from the CD-RW and saves them on my hard disc in such a way that they are NOT "Read Only"
Sounds long winded but its really quite easy.
Give it a try, and let me know how you get on.
In the above, I refer to CD-RW
You can do the same thing to a CD-R
Its a good idea!!
Now, when you do THAT, you have a SWAP which you can exchange with fellow members!