Whilst some are having a wwet and windy May, we are having a dry ish and windy one. Just about enough rain to keep things growing, which is good after the dryest March and April on our records. We had less than 2 cm, of rain from the middle of February until the beginning of May.
No, did not go to the Malvern Show. I find the number of people at those things too hard to cope with. AND, I find the price of the plants at them well beyond what I think is a reasonable price and there are always ones I would like, if I could afford them.
Despite the coldness of the Winter and the rapid temperature changes, we seem to have faired quite well iin the loss department. All our penstemons went, but that is about it really. I assume because things were very dry, they did not suffer too much.
Actually, thinking about it, I have lost almost all of my baby Arisaemas and all of my Pleiones, but still not worked out if that was cold or what!