Author Topic: Installing the Master Database - Overview and Installation considerations  (Read 18234 times)

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Online ideasguy

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For simplicity, in this discussion it is assumed that your computer drive is c:

The Master Database is continually expanding. Currently, it contains over 36,000 plants and has something like 2000 photos.

There are two methods of refreshing your copy.
1) Download the latest version
2) Obtain a copy of the most recent version on DVD

See this topic for a link to the Master Database download:,710.0.html

The downloaded version does not contain DISC photos.
However, since the rise in popularity of the Web Page Generator (a standard program in Ideas Genie Pro) my latest direction has been to request permission to use the web photos from the members who publish their web sites.
Web links are simply lines of text, and they are easily included in the download, so the end user has lots of web photos to view.

Installation considerations
a) Installing from the Download
By default, the download installation puts the Master database into the recommended location with a special folder structure.
I highly recommend that you don't change that.
The special location is:
That path is recognised by all programs in IG Pro, IG, Bonsai Genie and Flower Genie
The Master Database name is IGMASTER
Again, that name is reserved and is recognised by all programs in IG Pro, IG, Bonsai Genie and Flower Genie

b) Considerations regarding Installing the Master Database from CD/DVD.
The version you receive on DVD is read only.
That means you cant add more plants and you cant add/link photos.
If you want to work on that edition of the Master Database, then you need to install it onto another device - your computer, external drive, or Flash.
Bear in mind that any changes you do may not be included in the next issue of the Master Database
For inclusion, your contributions would be very much appreciated and added to the Master copy for general release in subsequent editions

I recommend that you:
  • reserve your computer for the downloaded Master Database.
  • Install the DVD Master Database on a FLASH disc, or external drive

Following these guidelines, you have these advantages:
  • Fast access to data in the Master Database compared to accessing the data on DVD
  • When you click on the Data Source pop-up (e.g. in GA037 or FG037), you will see c: drive IGMASTER and f: drive IG MASTER (assuming f:= flash drive)
    This is made possible due to the special folder structure being maintained on each device.
  • Can add more plants, and link more photos
  • Can edit/delete anything in the database
  • When you download an updated version of the IGMASTER, you can overwrite the existing copy
  • When you get a new DVD copy of the Master Database, you may overwrite your older copy on your Flash drive.
    However, you may choose to install it on a NEW Flash device, thus preserving any changes you made.
  • You can even make the Master Database your Main (Core) database

Working with full access to the Master Database
There are certain restrictions when using the Data source Pop-up in each program.
There is an alternative method which allows full access - use the SWITCH program - GA026.
This link explains using GA026,211.0.html
« Last Edit: May 25, 2009, 12:56:16 PM by ideasguy »

Offline Eric Hardy

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Thank you for this George, I just found it this morning. Will a download now be more up to date than my current DVD copy?

Eric H

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I'll update it later this evening, Eric, so you folk can download the very latest version.

I thought long and hard about how to advise on the best configuration for the two "flavours" of the Master Database installation onto a computer (the download and the DVD).
The above posting is is my current thinking, and its very practical. I can vouch for that, as I have exactly the same configuration.

Matter of interest, heres my way of working.
The master of the Master Database resides on my 2GB Flash. I can therefore use it on any computer, by using the SWITCH (GA026) program.
It has links to photos on a number of devices, but when I plug it into another computer (without those devices attached), those images appear as the grey rectangle with a cross through (as you have seen before). Thats what you get when the images are not found.
The links between plants and photos are quite safe, of course.
Thats not important, as I am primarily adding new plants and linking to NEW photos (e.g. the photos sent by members on our forum)
Also de-duping and correcting plant names and adding information (links to good web sites etc).

For security, I do a backup from it onto whichever computer I use. It turns the usual logic on its head, but thats another important option available to any user who works over two computers.

If you look under the Tools tab on the menu you'll find GA053 Embed Photos.
I run that program targeted on the Master (the backup) on my Main Computer. I plug in Flash drives and an external drive.
GA053 gathers up photos from all  those devices and embeds the photos into what now becomes the "finished article" Master Database.
Thus, I don't need to drag image files onto the DVD. The other advantage is that the images (being embedded) are safe.
This was intended to protect the copyright of images owned by contributors to the project.
That Master Database is then copied onto DVD for distribution to each new customer.

Now you know!
« Last Edit: May 26, 2009, 10:40:30 PM by ideasguy »


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That's real 'heady'stuff George.

Well explained, but rather you than me.  :D

A real 'hair-puller.


Online ideasguy

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It takes a lot of words to explain, but in essence it is fairly straight forward.
I'm explaining, because its something our members might progress to in the future.
Each of our databases are treasure. I'd like to get to encourage our members to work on their databases and make them available to other users - either simply for sharing info or commercially.
My term for such a product is a SWAP database. Yet another one of my dreams. Soon to be realised?  :)

Offline roiphil

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 :o that explanation george, completely went over the top of my head  ;D

Online ideasguy

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Latest version of the Master Database uploaded today
Heres the link:

Offline Eric Hardy

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Latest version of the Master Database uploaded today
Heres the link:

Thanks George, I installed that but unfortunately all the photos seemed to have disappeared :( .
After I found that I decided to delete the newly installed files and put back the files from the DVD and now the pictures are fine again. Puzzled  :-[

Matter of interest, heres my way of working.

Cor blimey! I think I will stick with the one computer  ;D

Eric H

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I installed that but unfortunately all the photos seemed to have disappeared

Yes, Ive stated that in the first posting in this topic, Eric
The downloaded version does not contain DISC photos.

The downloaded version is more up to date that the version on your DVD.
I will do my best to update the downloadable database once per month.
It will contain links to web pages with photos, additional plants, corrections and deletions - all an ongoing process as I refine that database.

Try this. ADD a plant to YOUR database using GA004, GA037 etc (NOT GA027)
You get to screen GA100S00
You type in a few characters of the plant you are adding.
If that Genus exists in the default Master Database, you can then use the buttons in GA100S00 to explore the plants in that genus in the default Master Database.
If you locate your plant, you can add it to your database by clicking a button in GA100S00. Simple.
The DEFAULT Master Database used by those programs is:
Thus, the database installed in that special folder location is used as a reference.
Thats why Ive given the instructions to reserve that location for the DOWNLOADED version of the Master Database.

The version on DVD does have disc photos.
As (attempted to) explained in my original posting in this topic there are advantages in installing the DVD database (this was actually written up in response to your enquiry)
To avoid overwriting the Downloaded Master Database in its privileged location, and to allow you to have the luxury of both databases, Ive suggested that you install the DVD database (with disc photos) onto a Flash

Heres the instruction for installing on Flash:,1103.0.html
Alternatively, send me a 2GB flash, and I'll send you an up to date version

NOTE: The DVD version is over 1GB.
Dues to the disc photos, its much too big to store on my server. Its also much to big for uploading regularly. It would be a very big download for users and a drain on my resources.
Thats why the downloadable version does not have Disc Photos.

Offline Eric Hardy

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Yes, Ive stated that in the first posting in this topic, Eric
Oh dear, sorry George, I have not been paying attention again and am suitably slapped down  :'(

Eric H

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Goodness no! It was a gentle reminder  :)
Be my hero, and give the download a go again and install that DVD onto a 2GB Flash disc per instructions.
I guess that is the challenges for today folk!

Offline Eric Hardy

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Be my hero, and give the download a go again and install that DVD onto a 2GB Flash disc per instructions.

No sooner said than done, George. Your updated Master Database is now on my Drive C again and the Master Database on the DVD is copied to my Flash disc as you asked  ;D. Both now work in GA037

Eric H
« Last Edit: May 27, 2009, 11:05:17 AM by Eric Hardy »

Offline roiphil

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downloaded updated masterbase aswell 50 mins approx for me on dial up yawn praying for broadband exchange enabled, but who cares cos its raining  ::) again, i can see lots of work have gone into it many thanks


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No sooner said than done, George. Your updated Master Database is now on my Drive C again and the Master Database on the DVD is copied to my Flash disc as you asked  ;D. Both now work in GA037
Eric H


« Last Edit: May 27, 2009, 11:36:27 AM by Kathy & Laurie »

Online ideasguy

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When I read the replies yesterday I thought I'd written the instructions in double dutch!

The download version has now grown to 8.49MB so its a big one for dial up. Glad you managed it Phil.

OK, what about this challenge?
Try this. ADD a plant to YOUR database using GA004, GA037 etc (NOT GA027)
You get to screen GA100S00
You type in a few characters of the plant you are adding.
If that Genus exists in the default Master Database, you can then use the buttons in GA100S00 to explore the plants in that genus in the default Master Database.
If you locate your plant, you can add it to your database by clicking a button in GA100S00. Simple.
I'd like to feel that feature is known to all users. Ive spent many happy hours developing it  :)
« Last Edit: May 27, 2009, 11:36:28 AM by ideasguy »

Offline Eric Hardy

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downloaded updated masterbase aswell 50 mins approx for me on dial up yawn
That sounds really a pain, Phil. My download was practically instantaneous on broadband. That is the trouble with living out in the sticks.

Eric H

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OK, what about this challenge?
Try this. ADD a plant to YOUR database using GA004, GA037 etc (NOT GA027)
You get to screen GA100S00
You type in a few characters of the plant you are adding.
If that Genus exists in the default Master Database, you can then use the buttons in GA100S00 to explore the plants in that genus in the default Master Database.
If you locate your plant, you can add it to your database by clicking a button in GA100S00. Simple.
I'd like to feel that feature is known to all users. Ive spent many happy hours developing it  :)

Magic George, that works too. I keep learning  :)

Eric H

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Thats great Eric. I'm feeling much better today already!

Did you play with each of the various buttons to explore the selected genus in the Master Database in GA100S00?
The most complicated genus is Rhododendron from the point of view of plant names. Theres a few thousand of them in the Master, so a good one to play with when learning more about that feature.

Now lets hear from the others

Offline Eric Hardy

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Did you play with each of the various buttons to explore the selected genus in the Master Database in GA100S00?
The most complicated genus is Rhododendron from the point of view of plant names. Theres a few thousand of them in the Master, so a good one to play with when learning more about that feature.

It is interesting that the more letters you type the more the list is narrowed down. I used Rhododendron as you suggested, played about with the feature and added one to my Main Database. (I deleted it again because we are on chalk and we can't grow azaleas or rhododendrons  :( )

Eric H

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the more letters you type the more the list is narrowed down
Yes, thats how the program works - known as predictive text. You can find any plant in the Master Database of 36,000 plants in a few keystrokes.
You are well and truly up and running then, Eric.
Pity about the Rhododendrons on chalk. They are the monarchy in the plant world to many - and I have to say they are one of my favourite genera, as they perform so well on my soil.
Ive spent a lot of time correcting the plant names on the Master to align exactly with the spelling in the RHS Plant Finder database.
By using the plant names in the Master when you add a plant to your database, you take advantage of that slog.

When you edit a plant, then click the RHS btton to locate suppliers for that plant, little things like full stops, spaces, apostrophes etc are important.
If not exactly matching the RHS database, you dont get a hit.

The more users who find the Master useful, the more the incentive to keep the download up to date.
« Last Edit: June 01, 2009, 08:56:11 AM by ideasguy »

Offline Eric Hardy

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One lttle thing I noticed on the database is that a number of roses I had called  climbers are called  shubs. For example Rosa "Kiftsgate" must be 30 feet up our conifer so I called it [clmbr] but it is in the database as [shrub]. Am I technically wrong?

Eric H

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Very nice photos, and a good question!

Ive had a peep at the Master, and Ive most Roses as shrubs.
However, I find Ive hedged my bets on that particular one - there are two entries  :-[
a) Rosa filipes 'Kiftsgate' (Ra)  (H4) which I have classified as a Climber
b) Rosa 'Kiftsgate' which I have classified as a Shrub!
Ive deleted (b) as (a) gets a hit in the RHS database. (Thats the sort of thing I work on continually)
In your database, you can now edit the plant profile and check the RHS checkbox as it is applicable (Ive now applied that to the master).

How do you decide on such things (plant type)?
Have a look in the RHS A-Z or Plants. Thats my reference manual.
I'm in Belfast office. Has anyone got this book for a quick check?

I note that I have a Web photo for that plant, but no Disc photos (says he appealingly)  ;)
« Last Edit: May 27, 2009, 02:32:14 PM by ideasguy »


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Rosa filipes 'Kiftsgate' [as per your (a) option] is described as a "rampant climber" in the RHS A-Z Book.


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Thanks Laurie and Eric.
Looks like I need to review the Genus  :)

Offline Eric Hardy

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Ive hedged my bets on that particular one - there are two entries  :-[
a) Rosa filipes 'Kiftsgate' (Ra)  (H4) which I have classified as a Climber
b) Rosa 'Kiftsgate' which I have classified as a Shrub!
Ive deleted (b) as (a) gets a hit in the RHS database. (Thats the sort of thing I work on continually)
In your database, you can now edit the plant profile and check the RHS checkbox as it is applicable (Ive now applied that to the master).

How do you decide on such things (plant type)?
Have a look in the RHS A-Z or Plants. Thats my reference manual.
I'm in Belfast office. Has anyone got this book for a quick check?

I have both RHS A-Z and Plants. Under Rosa "Kiftsgate" it just says "See Rosa filipes 'Kiftsgate' " so they are one and the same.

I note that I have a Web photo for that plant, but no Disc photos (says he appealingly)  ;)

You can use any of my photos when you wish George, you don't need to ask.

Eric H