Hi Laurie
That was quick! What a fantastic job!
I am so impressed with your selection of Fonts and colours.
Some points for all to note (and please keep this screenshot for all to use as comparison in the discussion below):
Point 1
The photo region is designed for Landscape photos Ratio 3 (Ht) x 4 (Width)
To make full use of the allocated space, choose a photo with that ratio.
In the example shown by Laurie (above)
Cosmos purity and Osteospermum 'African Moon' seem to have those proportions.
(Great photos of beautiful plants Laurie!)
Point 2
Yo are NOT limited to those proportions. The program will accept and print any shape or size of photo.
It is designed to keep the proportion ratio, so you will not get any distortion.
In the example shown by Laurie (above)
Lupin 'Gallery Yellow' is an image wth portrait proportions.
The program fills the height to the maximum, but not the width, due to its ability to retain the proportional ratio.
Point 3
You do NOT need to resize your images.
The program accepts any size and makes them fit.
Larger photos (file sizes of 1Mb or more proportions) will take longer to print - just be patient.
Point 4
Text wrap is a problem at present (still working on this)
Heres a workaround.
In the example shown by Laurie (above)
Californian Poppy
Colour: Creamy Ye (has llow truncated)
Two options:
a) Place cursor just before C (in Creamy), Press Return/Enter key on keyboard
This will force the text Creamy Yellow onto a second line
b) Place cursor just before Y (in Yellow), Press Return/Enter key on keyboard
This will force the text Yellow onto a second line
Font Size
This is important of course. Using a smaller font size will allow more characters per line.
For a blank line
Simply hit the Return/Enter button (twice if necessary). This gives a nice presentation on the right of the image.
Point 5
Strange text appears in all the plant labels in screen GA048S02 after editing text in GA048S08
It is actually the "behind the scenes" formatted text associated with Rich Text.
This is the data which is saved to your hard disc.
The computer, with those complex Controls, knows how to decode that text and reproduce your Rich Text labels.
From a user point of view, if you see the coded text, it means you have edited that label
Please dont update the image in the posting above Laurie. Instead, do some editing as suggested above and post a new message so other members can see the "Before" and "After"
Dont worry about the photos if you dont have exact proportions. Its the text that is the issue at present.