In a broadcast message to all members on 19th June, I asked this question:
I would now like to ask if there are any objections to opening the entire forum to the public
There were no objections reported, although a few members had some concerns regarding the security of email addresses, to avoid generation of spam.
I explained that I would go through each members profile on the forum and ensure that each member has checked the option:
Hide email address from public?
This allayed the concerns.
I went through every user profile last night and checked that option when necessary.
I then changes the status on each Topic on the forum to allow access to Guests, thus setting the forum open to the public to view.
Please note that the Exclusive membership of the forum has NOT been changed.Each new forum registration is reviewed by a Forum moderator.
Approval will only be given to users of software by to invited guests.
Now that the forum is open to the public, please be cautious about revealing personal details in your postings.
The forum is now an exciting and vibrant place, thanks to the enthusiasm of our core members.
You'll have a nice surprise if you haven't visited in a while. Please do!
In addition to all things related to your software (Gardening and Finance) there are also some essential topics for gaining help and sharing information on all aspects of Computer hardware and software problems, Photography etc.
Please revisit and enjoy!