I've been spreading the word about this site by Chrissie Harten for years. Its one of my favourites, fior a number of reasons.
Chrissie is Redditch, Worcestershire and is one of the leading Flower arrangers in the country.
If you want ideas for what to grow to give you loads of great cut flowers, you'll find lots of ercommendations on her web site.
Chrissie and I exchanged a few emails a couple of years ago. I sent her a copy of Ideas Genie and she sent me a list of the plants in her garden. She kindly agreed to allow me to roll these into the new Ideas Genie Master database. The database grew by another few hundred! You'll be able to select "Chrissie Harten" as the gardener in the Master database, and see the list of plants she grows.
Now go and see this great site for yourself. This site is GOOD!