This could be interesting!
Ive been using the program for many years before it became Bank Genie and offered as a product, so I guess I'm biased because of its origin.
It started off as what in "old fashioned Business Software speak" would be described as a
Data Input program.
Having added transactions, the method of displaying the transactions was simply an application of the techniques I used in other data entry software, so that to me was secondary.
That presentation became more sophisticated as the program developed, but essentially (to me) the overall purpose of that module (BS201) was always to
"work with" transactions.
In the Gardening Software programs (e.g. Ideas Genie) you'll find buttons with the simple caption ww.
ww= Work withUnfortunately, that term is not in any way intuitive, so needed explaining in the Help section.
Work with Transactions would be apt in my opinion, but I still prefer
Input Transactions.
Those three words would be OK for a menu option, but I decided to go for a name which would give a new user a head start.
What is a new user going to look for when they start with an empty database?
Lets see - I want to
Input TransactionsHaving started that program, they will (in adding transactions) discover the other features as Barry has mentioned viz. look at the transactions in statement order, delete transactions etc - things you need when you have a number of transactions added and (hopefully) feeling more comfortable with the system.
As for Product Support (digressing a little) I cease to be amazed at the many and various descriptions Ive seen for the programs, albeit mostly in the Gardening Software programs. Names are ignored and new descriptions invented.
I'm sometimes criticised for assigning "cryptic" numbers to programs.
Absolutely no time wasted in correpondence asking for clarification.
When you mention BS201, or screen BS201S03, I'm immediately with you
- theres absolutely no confusion, and they are a lot easier to write
Remember when making suggestions that Program names on Menus need to be brief - 3 words maximum if possible.