Wow!! I really do like that.
Very nice photo and a lovely vista. The daffodils make all the difference, dont they.
I'm very impressed in how you have kept your plants in such neat trim. I think you can teach me a thing or two about pruning, and topiary!
The shaped plants are pleasing to the eye - youve done a great job!
I have a few box isolated box plants dotted around the garden and plan to shape them - if I can decide what shape to apply!
They were left overs from the plants I used for my box hedges I planted to divide up the garden - all grown from the same batch of cuttings - years ago
One idea - to shape one into a Genie!
Funny enough, my grass looks quite green, but I'm no expert like you, Malcolm, Eric etc. This year I plan to apply weed and feed, to get rid of moss patches and dandylions.