Unfortunately Tony, digital cameras aren't that smart yet to put a proper copyright notice on our images 'in camera', so you're correct in saying that.
Seriously though, copyright issues are a major concern for a lot of people and there are many ways to embed personal info into our photos by using our computers. Having said that though, there is no sure-proof way to protect your photos once they are posted on the Internet. Determined thieves will get around any methods employed. For example, taking a screenshot from a web page containing any photos will not store any copyright info. So by resaving any images captured they could put their own copyright info on them. This is not a trade secret, so I'm not giving anything away here.
A very drastic way to copyright your photos is to put a logo across the middle of them. It spoils the look of the photo and no-one would want to mess with them in a graphics program - too much bother. You've probably come across this already on some web sites. Companies selling some products for example. They're not too concerned about what the photos look like but it stops people from wanting to use them.
Obviously, when we post our flowers on the Forum we ARE concerned about what they look like, so that method is not an option. I just used that as an example to highlight the most extreme method of copyright.
Anyway, what can we do now once we have taken our photos, got them onto our computer, and wish to embed a copyright notice into each of them.
One method is to use some independent software. Phil ("roiphil" on the Forum) mentioned in a previous posting elsewhere that he has a FREE program that does just that. You could ask him what he uses or do a search yourself on the Internet. I use
Download.com but there are others.
Otherwise, you may already have a graphics program on your computer that you use for enhancing your photos. I use
Photoshop Elements and the method is very simple. With your photo open in the program you click on
File/File Info, and the menu that is presented allows you to type in any number of bits of information, including your name (obviously) and free text boxes for entering detailed copyright info. Once you save your photo, that info is saved automatically. I imagine other graphics programs allow a similar procedure - Photoshop, Paint Shop Pro, PhotoImpact as some examples.
I'm afraid that is about the best that we can do for photos posted on our Forum. If we have any masterpiece photos that we are intending to sell, then we don't post them anywhere on the Internet. That is the ONLY foolproof way to fully protect our photos.
So, adopt the method you prefer to copyright your photos (or not, as the case may be) and just sit back and enjoy the praise our members give you for taking the time to show them in the first place.
It's not worth getting too hung up on this issue though. Be concerned and do what we can, yes, but don't let it stop us from sharing our photos with our fellow gardeners on the Forum.
I hope this has given you food for thought Tony, and our other members, and further comments are still welcomed so that we can all benefit from other suggestions, etc.