I'm delighted its working Paul.
Yes, you have to highlight the text before you use the formatting tools (font, font size, bold, colours etc)
Its the same as in MS Word etc.
Remember to click Save Changes and all should be fine.
I will have a look at the time to print issue.
If you are printing labels for 48 different plants then theres no quick way.
I may be able to speed it up if there are multiples of the same label on your sheet.
you can put the label template through the printer again to print those labels you have not used.
Thats a big savings bonus on label stock prices, since you can print off a few labels, go back later and print some more on the same sheet.
The maximum is around 28 thats with no spaces.
It also appears that you can type more on a line it will not automatically drop down to the next line.
You have to do all your formatting and line wrapping inside the edit screen.
At print stage, word wrapping is not possible. Characters will be truncated on lines with too much text.