Don't use the Try cached option Trevor.
It loads up web pages stored on your own computer, not the ones on the website.
In other words, It goes off and digs up an old copy of the web page on your computer saved last time you were visiting that website.
Needless to say, cached pages will be out of date, since it could be a page you viewed months ago!
More to the point, your computer is clogged up with loads of cached pages, taking up disc space.
Use the Retry option.
Thanks for reporting this, Trevor.
Caching is a real pain for web developers.
They (me!) go updating their website, and users cant see the changes, for the web browser decides, hey, don't go to the trouble downloading from the website, use this old one you viewed ages ago instead!!
Quicker yes, but who wants to read yesterdays newspaper?
If in doubt if a page is out of date, click the Refresh or Reload button. That forces the lazy browser to go off and do what it should do in the first place - fetch the latest version from the website.