We haven't had a challenge for a while, so here we go.
I hope our new Ideas Genie users will participate. Its a good opportunity to get involved in the forum.
Don't be afraid to ask questions!
Ive been working on a project this week to explain how to use Ideas Genie to handle accessions - known as specimens in Ideas Genie "speak".
In doing so, I will use the web site design for Lessons (and Challenges) for posting on the Product Support website.
http://www.ideasgenie.com(This is currently under re-development).
Heres the link to the project:
http://www.ideasforgardens.net/wolbdemo/Ive attempted to make it so you can see each screenshot without scrolling.
It will depend on screen resolution of course, so the first question is, does it work like that for you?
Can you see the screenshot page links on the extreme right (top).
It reads:
RHS Search p1 p2 p3 p4 p5
Can you see and click p5 without scrolling?
Any mistakes in the navigation links? (Previous Next etc)
OK, now have a go at the "challenge". Follow the lessons step by step. You can use your own plant names, or plant names as shown in the screenshots.
Your comments would be very much appreciated.