Breezy but frost and snow free here in Ireland, and we are all looking forward to Christmas day.
The weather men tell us it is something like 25 degrees C more than this time last year
Mind you, this time last year it was down to -15C.
I think the plants are responding to all this mild weather!
I can see bulbs beginning to push through, Hellebore's in bloom, Argyranthemum Jamaica Primrose is STILL in bloom but not surprisingly some of the flowers are withering (amazing plant).
Fuchsia Genii (very distinctive foliage - one of my favourites) still going, some blooms on the ends of Erysimum Bowles Mauve, I can see the white tails of Exochorda x macrantha 'The Bride' (it was in full bloom a few weeks ago)
. And, of course, the winter pansies.
Need a wee walk around the garden to make a full list.
Merry Christmas everyone!