Author Topic: Working with the ARTICLES PROGRAM  (Read 5274 times)

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Offline bossgard

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Working with the ARTICLES PROGRAM
« on: February 10, 2012, 10:04:40 PM »

Help me think this one through, please. I’m working basically in GA007 ARTICLES.

In GA027S01 PLANTS AND GARDENS, I’ve entered a new Gardener (TOBY’S GARDEN), and at the moment I have one Division (FOUNDATION), and for Garden Areas in that Division, I have four; (NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, and WEST.)

In reading a recent gardening magazine, I came across an excellent article with photo describing a particular type of plant support that I would like to use with a blossoming vine in the Area FOUNDATION/EAST.

I have not chosen a plant to use yet from my inventory, so what I want to do, is to remember this magazine article when I work in that area later in the year.

I have the magazine issue already entered into GA007 ARTICLES, and I have the Topic (TOBY’S GARDEN) with Sub-topic of (FOUNDATION/EAST) in place.

Can I use the GA007 ARTICLES program to link this magazine article to this ‘thing’ instead linking to a ‘plant’?

- Toby

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Re: Working with the ARTICLES PROGRAM
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2012, 12:50:36 AM »
Yes, that's exactly what the Articles program is for Toby.

Perhaps some of our other members will follow this little exercise and make sure I have described it accurately.

1) In GA007S01, Use the Magazines pop-up to select the Magazine you added (for benefit of other members, Magazines are added in the program Files>Magazines-G009)
2) at the bottom of GA007S01, click the Add a magazine article button
3) screen GA007S02 appears
4) In GA007S02, enter a description for your article in the Title for this article field.
5) Click the Add button
6) Still in screen GA007S01 click the Add a memo document button
Note: Don't use the Add a scanned document of photo button
It takes up too much disc space, and its now unnecessary as you can do everything required in the Memo option described here

7) screen GA007S11 appears
8) enter a description for the memo in the Title for this document field
9) Enter
a) the URL (web address) of the magazine article if you can find it on-line.
b) if you have a scanned document, jpg, pdf etc, click the Get button at the bottom of the screen.
10) In the case of option (b), A windows dialog box appears with the title:
Select a file name for inclusion in this document.
Find the file (the scanned document, jpg, pdf etc) on your computer
Click OK.
The file name will be pasted into the document text region.
You can add as many files as you wish, BUT, take a new line for each file name
You can enter as much text as you like (again take a new line from the file name before typing text to describe your article)

11) When you have finished editing, click the Save Changes button

12) When you click Done and return to screen GA007S02, you can categorise your document by clicking the two Work with this list buttons in GA007S02.

Now to see that scanned document, jpg or pdf.
In screen GA007S02, your title(s) of your document(s) will now be listed (see Title for this document above)
You can add more documents (memos) to the same article by repeating steps 6 to 11 in the process above.
13) In screen GA007S02, double click on the line with the name of the document saved in step 11 above.
14) Screen GA007S11 appears again
Here's the tricky bit, perhaps
TREBLE click on the file name in the text region (document).
Remember,it needs to be on a line of its own for treble click to work.
The file name will be highlighted.
(the full file path and file name should be highlighted)
Now (with the file name highlighted) either:
a) RIGHT click on the highlighted line
Your image will open up in a browser


b) Click the Paste button, then click the View button
Your image will open up in a browser

« Last Edit: February 11, 2012, 12:56:54 AM by ideasguy »

Offline bossgard

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Re: Working with the ARTICLES PROGRAM
« Reply #2 on: February 11, 2012, 07:54:09 PM »

Thanks for the quick reply.

So everyone understands, I want a reminder that will enable me to go to my stack of gardening magazines, pick up the correct magazine from that stack and reread the article(s) I referred to earlier in the Topic.

**Maybe at a later date, it might be necessary to work with a) or b), but right now I’m interested in only retrieving the correct magazine.

If I had linked this article to a plant, and brought that plant up, it would show up in GA100S02 at the bottom of that screen and remind me that there was such an article and how and where to find it. Will I be able to expect the same thing with this current document that is labeled under
TOBY’S GARDEN/FOUNDATION/EAST, as Garden/Topic/Sub Topic? I thought it might show up in something like GA100S10 where I first entered the NEW garden information. Is there a Search of some kind that uses these Qualifiers, for finding the right magazine?

(Personally to George, I know that you are trying to meet some deadlines on other things, so put this on the back burner and we can pick up the Topic at a better time for you.)

Thank you,

- Toby

**Regarding ‘at a later date’, as used above, it seems like things are changing so rapidly as to how gardening communication and information is being distributed today, it might take a myriad of computer procedures to accommodate them and incorporate them into IdeasGenie. I’m referring to the iPOD’s, the iPAD’S, and their apps., and all the rest that the newer generation’s social networking skills have enticed. I don’t have any body of the younger generation to fill me in as to the meaning of such words and names as Twitter, Linked In, Reddit, Tumblr, Face Book, Digg, Stumble Upon, Blogger, Delicious, FastShare, RSS feed, Podcast, You Tube, Feed Burner, GPOD Pinterest, Kindle.
Anybody willing to try? 

(George or Laurie, move this last paragraph to a separate Topic, if you so wish.)

Online ideasguy

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Re: Working with the ARTICLES PROGRAM
« Reply #3 on: February 11, 2012, 09:06:49 PM »
Hi Toby

I'll do my best to answer your questions.

If I had linked this article to a plant, and brought that plant up, it would show up in GA100S02 at the bottom of that screen and remind me that there was such an article and how and where to find it.
GA100S02 is where you edit (or delete) the name of a plant.
The Articles references in GA100S02 are there purely as a reminder that you have links to the plant being edited. Its actually intended to remind you/warn you when you attempt to delete a plant. It makes you aware of the various links (and articles) which will be broken if the plant is deleted. Nothing whatsoever happens if you simply edit the plant name.
Even if you correct (e.g. the spelling) the plant name, the article remains linked, now to the corrected plant name.

I intend to revamp the Articles program, and to provide better links to the articles in the other programs.
Currently, you really need to go back to the Articles program to look for articles related to a plant.

Will I be able to expect the same thing with this current document that is labeled under
TOBY’S GARDEN/FOUNDATION/EAST, as Garden/Topic/Sub Topic? I thought it might show up in something like GA100S10 where I first entered the NEW garden information. Is there a Search of some kind that uses these Qualifiers, for finding the right magazine?
No. Currently, you need to use the Articles program to retrieve articles information.

I'm referring to the iPOD’s, the iPAD’S, and their apps.,

My software items are applications (apps) written to work on any computer running Microsoft Windows.

Until recently, if I'd mentioned the word app, I would have been given odd if not sympathetic looks.
iPOD’s, the iPAD’S are Apple Inc. devices.
They are hugely popular, as most people know. The kids (younger generation) love them.
They have little programs called apps, and of course, with the popularity of those devices, EVERYBODY now knows what an app is ;D
The big difference is - programmers need to use special software to develop apps to run on them.
Each new app must be approved before it is allowed to be distributed (sold) for use on iPods etc.
As I understand it, the apps are quite basic at present, but no doubt that will all change in the future.
At this moment in time, I'm sticking to the Microsoft technology. Life is too short to rewrite Ideas Genie for the iPad.

Twitter, Linked In, Reddit, Tumblr, Face Book
Somewhere to go if you don't have anybody human to talk to ;D
I'll pass this one to someone else to explain the social networking stuff :)

Offline bossgard

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Re: Working with the ARTICLES PROGRAM
« Reply #4 on: February 12, 2012, 12:00:07 AM »

Thank you for your answers, now I know a lot more than I knew before I started.
And that’s the reason for it all to happen, anyway.
I’ll print this entire Topic out, and file it away in my ‘How to’ binder to remind me.

- Toby

Online ideasguy

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Re: Working with the ARTICLES PROGRAM
« Reply #5 on: February 12, 2012, 10:34:52 AM »
Better idea! Add all your reminders in the Articles program (thats what its for)

Keep this forum article open in your browser.

Start IG or IG Pro.
Under the Files tab on the menu, start the program Other Sources for Articles - GA010
Add a record in GA010 : Tobys reminders
Note the under the Files tab, there are 4 programs to set up things related to the articles program:
GA008, GA009, GA010 and GA021.

Now start a new Article in GA007
Instead of Add a Magazine article as described above, use the Add Other article button.
Screen GA007S02 appears.
Select your Other source added in GA010.
Write something in Title (say e.g.)  Forum: Working with the articles program.
Click the Add button

Now click the Add a memo document button.
Screen GA007S11 appears.

Now select your Browser with this forum article open.
Click the Edit tab in your browser menu (along the top of the browser screen)
Click Select all
Click Edit again and click Copy

Now switch back to IG.
Click into the memo field (the region where you can type notes)
Either a) click Ctrl-v (on your keyboard, click Ctrl button and hold then click v)
b) Click the Edit tab on the IG menu and click Paste

The whole forum topic should be pasted into the memo field.
Edit as required and click Save changes
« Last Edit: February 12, 2012, 10:37:53 AM by ideasguy »

Offline bossgard

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Re: Working with the ARTICLES PROGRAM
« Reply #6 on: February 12, 2012, 05:09:03 PM »

You sure don’t pamper your students, do you?

I hate to tell you this, I now have 6 more printed pages (I pushed the ‘printer’ button after I did the final ‘paste’) to put in my ‘How to-‘ Binder just to see if it was all there.

But seriously, let’s talk about something I know absolutely nothing about and that’s the ‘innards’ of my computer. Memory - if I saved all of the ‘sessions’ using this method, am I going to use up all my memory?

There is another draw back for me, too, if I were to use this method of saving. I operate better using a printed copy when I’m working on my computer. Particularly when using screenshots.  I like toggling back and forth and using two screens for certain procedures, but my brain has trouble retaining stuff, especially if I get flustered.

I also found a way to take care of my FOUNDATION/EAST problem. Start with GA027S01, bring up TOBY’S GARDEN, work your way to GA100S12 ww, double click on EAST, and edit in the NOTES area. I entered the magazine information about the plant support there. It’s now connected to FOUNDATION/EAST as a reminder.

When I worked with SCBG (a private garden open to the public) and worked up a Tour Document, that copy came up as a description for the Garden Area. Where else will that NOTES information automatically turn up?

It might be a temporary solution, but it works for me!
