hello Phil, sorry I forgot to reply to this the other day, although I did look at all the links. That's a really substantial looking greenhouse, with a view! I would love something like that
I have a tiny lean-to 'warm' greenhouse attached to our garage and an eight by eight or something similar, I don't quite remember what we bought so many years ago, which I try and keep frost free, and we also have a cold six by something in the veg garden. None of them have space to work in, hence my potting shed, although I do also tend to do some early seed sowing in our 'studio' extension where I have a heated propagator.
Polytunnels are lovely to work and grow stuff inside. We're no longer fit enough to manage the upkeep of one though but one of our oldest friends had one for many years. Sadly her husband died last year and she has just sold up their large home and extensive garden because it was no longer manageable. We holidayed there every year for thirty odd years and it's sad to think that we too will never again enjoy the garden which we watched change and grow over the years. They also planted lots of Christmas trees on the land when they first moved there, and gradually sold them off in subsequent years.
I hope your young trees are doing well, despite the wet weather everywhere seems to have suffered this last year. I was wondering if your land might be good for growing blueberries. They seem to be flavour of the moment expensive superfood, but I know they need constant moisture to grow properly and produce a good crop.